KOR Wireless is a master agent in the prepaid wireless industry. A master agent is a company that offers a dealer his services like commission, quotes and order, related to the carrier that they represent.
The look is professional and dynamic, the logo recalls the reception bar of a mobile phone and suggests a line of growth to the viewer. Being a B2B is important to communicate stability and success. The imaginary used in the digital and printed collateral is young and fresh, it grabs the attention during trade shows and specialized events.
Fundamental is the companion app where employees can interact and exchange vital information. To improve the usability an easy and clean interface with an intuitive flow was the solution to make the learning curve quick and smooth.
The website concept is cleaner, with just some color accents, so that the user can decide and inspect the advantages to sign up with them without further distractions.
The targeted audience was identified as mid-teens, adults, men and women. So the challenge was to find a common factor that could make the usability of the app successful. The app has to be intuitive and usable for distributors, vendors and sale people. To become familiar with their habits, behaviors, likes, and dislikes we gathered data from specialized fair and in-store interviews.
UI/UX Design
Digital Style Guide - App
Website UI/UX
1st Email Sequence Example
Digital Ads Campaign
Print Collateral